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Sunday, 25 September 2011

Tips For Blogger: Some Things That Favored Candidate boss of Employees

If you want to get a dream job, not only the highest grade point average is required. There is one thing more important than that: your attitude.

Based on a survey that dihajat site CareerBuilder, 71 percent of HR managers stated putting emotional intelligence and attitudes - including on how it controls the emotions and making friends - rather than on IQ alone. someone with EQ (emotional intelligence) are considered more capable of high self-control and able to work under pressure than those who only rely on high IQ

"Competence and intelligence techniques is important for each worker, but more epnting interpersonal skills," said Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder. "In difficult economic conditions, the boss wants to work with people who can make decisions effectively in a stressful situation," he said.

Want to have a high emotional intelligence? It leaks reported by CareerBuilder to upgrade it.
  • Full control of your emotions
Typically, the prospective employer will include group discussion material when recruiting workers. From here, the prospective worker measured emotions. To help minimize the negative reaction, "It is important that you recognize the triggers of stress when the pressure comes," said Patricia Thompson, PhD, management consultant at Sperduto & Associates Inc., a firm's top psychologist in Atlanta. Posture must also be maintained. Thompson advised to get out of it with conditions: long inhale, then count to 10, and be quiet.
  • Perform self-reflection
"To be honed emotional intelligence, you must be self-aware, to understand exactly what your shortcomings and weaknesses," said Thompson. He suggested creating five key advantages and disadvantages you, then use two opposites that complement each other. Select two or three of your weaknesses, and find ways to overcome them.
  • Listen
Based on CareerBuilder survey, emotional acuity is also measured by how he was able to hear. Thompson gave a way out to improve the ability to hear. "Use two level ways: first listen to understand the content of speech, do not interrupt or give an assessment of what is wasting a word until he had finished speaking. Second, listen to understand the conditions of his emotions when he recounted," he said. The ability to hear very important, he said, to build relationships in a team better and reduce conflict.

Authors: Hendi Hari Suryanto
(source of yahoo & and rewritten by TIPS FOR BLOGGER)

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