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Saturday, 19 March 2011

Urgency Empowering People Through Mosque "Tips For Blogger"

Mosques are places of worship of Islam and its position is very central in the life of the Muslims.

Ideally, the presence of a mosque should be able to improve the quality of ritual worship and increase the potential muamalah worship.

Among the activities we can do as a form of optimization mosque is as follows:

1. As a Place of Worship
As the name implies, the mosque is a place of prostration, then its main function is as a place of worship to offer prayers.

2. Demand For Places Science
Functioning as a place of learning and teaching especially religious knowledge which is fardlu 'ain for Muslims.

3. As a Venue Development Congregation
With the Muslims around him. Mosques play a role in coordinating them in order to unite the people and leadership potential. Fostering include coaching aqidah, worship and morals. Further discussion click DIRECTIONS congregation.

4. As a Center of Culture and Islamic Da'wah
The mosque is the heart life of Muslims who are always pulsed for proselytizing and disseminating Islamic culture.

5. As the Center for the People Cadres
As a place of congregational development and leadership of the congregation. Mosques require activist who fought to uphold Islam in istiqomah and sustainable.

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