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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Secrets of Men "Tips For Blogger"

EVERY person must have a secret, but men may be more closed meetings all the fears and concerns held. Well, here are some things that they often hide from you.
In 2001, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed the number of men who went to the doctor to conduct preventive checks are still a half of the women. This shows that even though they felt something was 'wrong' in themselves, fear and shame felt more strongly that they are reluctant to perform the examination.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

7 Signs Men Who Want Love "Tips For Blogger"

You do not need to hesitate anymore to prepare yourself or just avoid your partner when he started to 'act'.

Many men do not hesitate to show him want to fuck with you, but more are trying to cover it up. Whether for reasons of embarrassment, fear of rejection, or just want to give a surprise to you, a man would rather cover up his desire for sex. But take it easy, we still can know this from the following signs.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The signs of Men who Really Fall In Love "Tips For Blogger"

 Men are always being nice when dealing with a woman he adored. But does she really fall in love?
Here are seven signs of a man really fall in love, as quoted from

Monday, 28 March 2011

What makes a woman choose a man? "Tips For Blogger"

Fortunately for you the lady who has a beautiful face and sexy body. But, whether the quality is sufficient as a requirement to live a good companion?

Just like women, men also chose not to live companion than merely physical. When men want to commit, he would choose a woman with the following qualifications:

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Preventing the emergence of Dandruff Scalp "Tips For Blogger"

Dandruff is a common problem that occurs on the scalp. The emergence of dandruff also have different causes. Instead of busy treating dandruff, it's better to prevent his arrival.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Tricks To Look Slim, According to Indonesian Fashion Experts "Tips For Blogger"

Options and proven unified frontier clothing can make the body appear thinner. Renowned designer Ichwan Thoha, Oka Diputra, and Priyo Oktaviano, as well as fashion writer Irma Hardisurya, beauty icon Kintan Umari, and Fritz Panjaitan orbiter model of the F Models, reveal the trick.

What kind of clothes that could give effect to slim?

Friday, 25 March 2011

How Healthy Preventing Hunger "Tips-ForBlogger"

(review from yahoo)

Hunger might arise not because an empty stomach, but also because hormonal fluctuations. Choice of food is very important to reduce the appearance of hunger due to hormones, especially for those who want to lose weight.

Try to ward off hunger in a healthy way. You can follow the following six easy ways that was launched from the Women's Health.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Polio vaccine 3 ? "Tips For Blogger"

Iatrogenic (vaccine-induced) polio

A major concern about the oral polio vaccine (OPV) is its known ability to revert to a form that can achieve neurological infection and cause paralysis.[37] Clinical disease, including paralysis, caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) is indistinguishable from that caused by wild polioviruses.[38] This is believed to be a rare event, but outbreaks of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) have been reported, and tend to occur in areas of low coverage by OPV, presumably because the OPV is itself protective against the related outbreak strain.[39][40]
Doses of oral polio vaccine are added to sugar cubes for use in a 1967 vaccination campaign in Bonn, Germany

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Polio vaccine 2 ? "Tips For Blogger"

Inactivated vaccine

The first effective polio vaccine was developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk at the University of Pittsburgh. But it needed years of testing. To encourage patience, Salk went on CBS radio to report a successful test on a small group of adults and children on March 26, 1953; two days later the results were published in JAMA.[22]
The Salk vaccine, or inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), is based on three wild, virulent reference strains, Mahoney (type 1 poliovirus), MEF-1 (type 2 poliovirus), and Saukett (type 3 poliovirus), grown in a type of monkey kidney tissue culture (Vero cell line), which are then inactivated with formalin.[6] The injected Salk vaccine confers IgG-mediated immunity in the bloodstream, which prevents polio infection from progressing to viremia and protects the motor neurons, thus eliminating the risk of bulbar polio and post-polio syndrome.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Polio vaccine ? "Tips For Blogger"

Two polio vaccines are used throughout the world to combat poliomyelitis (or polio). The first was developed by Jonas Salk and first tested in 1952. Announced to the world by Salk on April 12, 1955, it consists of an injected dose of inactivated (dead) poliovirus. An oral vaccine was developed by Albert Sabin using attenuated poliovirus. Human trials of Sabin's vaccine began in 1957 and it was licensed in 1962.[1] Because there is no long term carrier state for poliovirus in immunocompetent individuals, polioviruses have no non-primate reservoir in nature, and survival of the virus in the environment for an extended period of time appears to be remote. Therefore, interruption of person to person transmission of the virus by vaccination is the critical step in global polio eradication.[2] The two vaccines have eliminated polio from most countries in the world,[3][4] and reduced the worldwide incidence from an estimated 350,000 cases in 1988 to 1,652 cases in 2007.[5][6][7]

Monday, 21 March 2011

Ways to Fight Acne stubborn? "Tips For Bloggers"

Acne on the face often disrupt and eliminate the appearance of self-confidence. But not infrequently, care products offered on the market was unable to stop acne.

Than cure, it's better to prevent acne the natural way. The key is in our lifestyle. Find out how in six steps from quoted below.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Masjid Jamaat Guidance For Places "Tips For Blogger"

 As we saw earlier that the mosque can be coaching the Jamaat. It also must be supported by the Muslim community.

Mosque played a major role in coordinating them in order to unite the people and leadership potential. Furthermore, the people who coordinated neatly within the organization Ta'mir Mosque nurtured faith, devotion, and proselytizing imaniyah ukhuwah Islamiyah. So that the mosque became a solid base of Muslims.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Urgency Empowering People Through Mosque "Tips For Blogger"

Mosques are places of worship of Islam and its position is very central in the life of the Muslims.

Ideally, the presence of a mosque should be able to improve the quality of ritual worship and increase the potential muamalah worship.

Among the activities we can do as a form of optimization mosque is as follows:

Friday, 18 March 2011

National Syariah Council (DSN) MUI


National Syariah Council (DSN) MUI will issue three new fatwa. Three new fatwa is related to fund management tabarru in Islamic insurance, the use of financial resources as a means for product qard, and shares the rules of sharia. According to members of the DSN MUI, Agustianto, to fund tabarru, DSN MUI eventually legalize tabarru refunds to customers who drop their insurance contracts in the middle of the road.

Here's the plan fatwas DSN:

1. Management of Insurance Funds in Syariah tabarru;
- DSN legalize tabarru refunds to customers who drop their insurance contracts in the middle of the road and could be returned.
- Aiming for Islamic insurance more competitive.
- Can be done conventionally.

2. Use of Fund Resources Qard as the Tool for Product;
- Allowing third party funds (TPF) is used to qard funding sources as a means of production.
- Completion of Fatwa No. 19 DSN​​.

3. Main rules Syariah Shares;
- DSN will endorse the fatwa, or securities trading mechanism
such rule of sharia and the stock buying and selling shares in the capital market.
- Aiming for the capital markets not be speculative and unproductive.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Lake Two Sense ? "Tips For Blogger"

Is there any sea in the bottom of the lake? There, precisely in the interior of East Kalimantan, Labuan name lake is Lake Mirror/Danau Labuan Cermin. The flow of sea water lake is located just at the bottom.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Flexible with Coffee "Tips For Blogger"

When his people are already bored with the tea in the morning or evening, coffee is often the choice of many people to change the menu or just to fill his spare time. Benefits of the most popular coffee is to make the sleep lost and the spirit to come back.
A psychologist conducted a study of Australia and the United States shows that, a cup of coffee can also lead to changes in a person's attitude. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

3 Recipes efficacious ingredients to Eliminate Cellulite "Tips For Blogger"

No matter how old you are, what your skin type, and how your weight, cellulite is always a great enemy. He usually appears in the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, which makes our skin look like a coarse-striped orange peel. For years, women around the world looking for a variety of creams and medications to eliminate cellulite.

Monday, 14 March 2011

4 Steps to Managing a Black Leather Axilla "Tips For Blogger"

Having black skin which sometimes armpits make women less confident. But there are tips to make underarm skin became whiter and smoother. Here are some steps you can follow.
First of all who need to realize is, the skin of the armpit is one of the most sensitive skin. To take care of anything that needs special attention. skin care tips quoted from Care fair armpit can help you.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Some important foods for a brighter skin color "Tips For Blogger"

It's useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a skin-lightening products if they do not perform treatments from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin so it looks brighter and automatic. What foods must be consumed so that the skin was no longer dark and dingy?

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Dramatic Cave Underground? "Tips For Blogger"

Cave Gyokusendo

Cave Gyokusendo distance of only 10 km from south of Naha Airport, can be reached by bus or car in less than an hour. This cave is the second largest cave system found in Japan and has a 800 meter track sempanjang that can be passed visitors.

It also has small rivers, waterfalls, stalactites and stalagmites that have formed since 300 thousand years ago, and has good lighting and very concerned about the safety of the visitors.

Metal handrails and walkways make walking along the 800 meters in the cave is fun. But you still must be vigilant. There is a slippery spots, where moisture accumulates on the tight-rope.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Dramatic Cave Underground? "Tips For Blogger"

Cave and Kin Kannon-do Temple
Kin Temple (Kannon), the most pedestrian friendly of the three caves that exist, gave a surprise and a unique history. Strong walking shoes instead of sandals or slippers Karel, it is recommended to prevent sprain or fall when you search the depths of the cave.
In 1552, Buddhist missionary who was berperjalanan from China to Japan, was saved from shipwreck by the villagers of Kin of the typhoon. While living there, he founded the Temple of Kin. Golden Buddha statue donated by missionaries sat smiling in the cave.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Dramatic Cave Underground? "Tips For Blogger"

There is a cave that dramatic?

In Okinawa Japan? Are you sure?
Michael Lynch, a reader CNNGo been exploring ancient caves in Okinawa and found that luminous water flows, stalactites with psychedelic colors and liquor bottles.

Okinawa Island is a very humid location to visit. This is because the annual average temperature reaching 22 degrees Celsius and rainfall over 2000 mm per year.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Five Reasons Do not be hostile Coffee "Tips For Blogger"

(review from Petti Lubis, Febry Abbdinnah) - 8 March

 For coffee lovers, this is a booster energy drinks. Not surprisingly, they can drink more than one cup of coffee a day.

If you know a good way to drink coffee and can control the intake of coffee every day, this drink can indeed provide a positive impact on the body. Among others:

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Dramatic Cave Underground? "Tips For Blogger"

Cave Gyokusendo
Cave Gyokusendo distance of only 10 km from south of Naha Airport, can be reached by bus or car in less than an hour. This cave is the second largest cave system found in Japan and has a 800 meter track sempanjang that can be passed visitors.

It also has small rivers, waterfalls, stalactites and stalagmites that have formed since 300 thousand years ago, and has good lighting and very concerned about the safety of the visitors.

Metal handrails and walkways make walking along the 800 meters in the cave is fun. But you still must be vigilant. There is a slippery spots, where moisture accumulates on the tight-rope.

Monday, 7 March 2011

These the common mistakes New Brides "Tips For Blogger"

Not a few newlywed couples who experienced periods of severe crisis. Not infrequently they also vote split because they feel no longer able to maintain their households.

There are some common mistakes the newlyweds and bad for the continuity of the relationship. The following list is quoted from suite101.

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