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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Tips For Blogger: Bad Effects Slimming Pills For Breastfeeding

Fat is felt to be problematic for some mothers. Various methods are used to re-proportioned body. One of them by taking slimming pills.

However, not infrequently mothers who are breastfeeding confusion whether this effective and not harmful to children? This is the answer.

Dr. Amran Harun SpA, Specialist Children's Hospital Belfast Graha Husada explain all types of drugs consumed by the mother are excreted in the milk of about 0.25 to 0.5 percent. Therefore, as long as baby is not sensitive and age of the baby more than six months, not a problem.

"But try after babies aged 1 year. Because at this age a lot of complementary feeding was given," Amran advice.

So if you still have a baby aged under one year, it's better not to consume slimming pills or weight loss for the lawyer to avoid adverse effects on the baby. Better to focus on yourself to eat more nutritious foods.

"How is that better quality of breast milk and baby can grow up healthy and smart," he added.

(source of & copied by TIPS FOR BLOGGER)

1 comment:

Black Women Dating said...

Everybody knows, that breastfeeding is very useful for baby, but it can also be quite dangerous, if mother takes some pills. Every mom should select priorities: baby's health or nice figure. Anyway, you can be slim without any pills! So what are you risking for?

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